Basic Rules and Regulations

STEP 3 - Funding

In order to determine the amount of funds available for equitable services to eligible PNP school students, the LEA needs to know the following information.

The Title I, Part A planning amount and proposed public school expenditures for:

    • District-wide instructional activities
    • Parent involvement activities
    • Professional development activities for teachers
    • Per pupil expenditure at each Title I campus

Demographics about their low income students attending PNP schools, including:

    • Grade level
    • Physical address
    • Note: names should be masked.

LEA set-aside funds for providing services to Title I, Part A eligible students in PNP schools is determined by:

    • The count of low-income students, attending PNP schools, who reside in the
      LEA Title I public school attendance areas; and

    • The equitable services calculations, based on TEA Equitable Services
      worksheets,* for...

      1. student support: Title I, Part A campus per pupil amount and the proportionate share of district-wide instructional activities.
      2. teacher support: professional development for teachers of participating students.
      3. family support: professional development for families of participating students.

Costs to administer the PNP program...

These funds are taken off-the-top of the LEA Title I allocation.

* Equitable Services Worksheets are available through the NCLB Reports application
spaceon the TEA Secure Environment (TEASE). If you do not have a login for this site,
spaceyou may request access online.

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