VI Administrators

Updates: Texas Administrative Code (TAC) & Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) for Deaf or Hard of Hearing & Visual Impairments - effective July 30, 2024

A number of amendments to the TAC and SAAH include children who are deaf or hard of hearing and with visual impairments. Included in this document are the updates plus "next steps" for LEAs to consider as they review their policies and procedures and implement changes. These updates include to how children under the age of 3 enroll in the LEA when this population is identified as needing hearing and vision services from Early Childhood Interventions (ECI) via an Individualize Family Service Plan (IFSP) in partnership with the LEA.

2020 Guidelines and Standards for Educating Students with VI in Texas

Aids administrative decision making process about the development and implementation of program and services of students with visual impairments including the roles and responsibilities of VI professionals (Available in English & Spanish). 

An Administrator's Guide to Evidence-Based Practices for Students with DeafBlindness

Guidance to assist administrators in understanding and supporting students, staff and families on the diversity of this population of students and best practices when considering curriculum and instructional needs. 

Accessible Instructional Materials

The LEA instructional materials coordinator may request braille, large-print, audio, and digital AIM by submitting an AIM requisition in EMAT. The cost of these materials is not deducted from the LEA's instructional materials and technology allotment (IMTA).

What are the foundations of accessible educational materials? How can you, as a VI Administrator support accessibility for students with visual impairments? Watch and share these three videos from the National Center on Accessible Educational Materials (cAST).

Clinical Low Vision Evaluations & Eye Medical Exams

One of the required components of a functional vision evaluation per TAC 89.1040(c)(12)(ii) is to address the student's need for a clinical low vision evaluation (CLVE).  A CLVE may be warranted if it is necessary to determine "whether any additions or modifications to the special education and related services are needed to enable the child to meet the measurable annual goals set out in the IEP of the child and to participate, as appropriate, in the general education curriculum." (CFR, §300.305(a)(2)(iv)). Read on to learn more about the LEA's responsibility to pay for CVLE's and eye medical exams.

Emergency Certification for TSVIs

This document describes the process for emergency certification of TSVIs who are completing certification requirements to work in Texas. Note: A TSVI may be emergency certified up to three years while completing university program requirements and passing the TeXes Braille and VI exams (up to five opportunities to pass). 

Innovative Coursework for Students with Visual Impairments (Other Electives)

With the approval of the local board of trustees, LEAs may offer any state-approved innovative course for state elective credit only for students with a VI or deafblind in braille, navigating life with a hearing loss, college transition, community transportation, etc. Questions? Contact the Region 10 VI Consultant. 

Off Campus Forms for Community-Based Instruction

These sample forms provide a process for and information to campus staff and families for the purpose of the COMS during community-based lessons per a student's IEP.

Orientation & Mobility Evaluation Guidance

As part of the full individual and initial evaluation, an orientation and mobility evaluation performed by a COMS in a variety of lighting conditions and in a variety of settings, including in the student's home, school, and community, and in settings unfamiliar to the student. (underlining added for emphasis)

Orientation & Mobility Modules for Administrators

These modules instruct administrators in understanding the role of the COMS and the unique challenges that the COMS faces while performing job duties in the school, the student's home, and the community. With a thorough understanding of the role of the COMS, administrators should be better equipped to support the COMS in the course of their duties. 

QPVI Caseload Analysis form in Excel

This caseload analysis form is a useful tool designed to provide LEA administrators a data-driven estimate of the VI professionals' programming and service delivery workload for students with VI. 

Quality Programming for Visual Impairment (QPVI)

QPVI is a detailed program review for LEAs to develop and/or improve services for students with visual impairments by establishing standards of practice and program accountability. Led by ESC and TSBVI facilitators, the QPVI process is a team approach which includes the VI staff, VI administrators, and other stakeholders associated with the VI program. The results removes barriers for positive outcomes and improves communication among LEA stakeholders, so VI services are streamlined. The QPVI process requires a 1 to 2 year process. Contact Region 10's VI Consultants for more information.

Section 504 & VI FAQ

This FAQ is offered as a discussion of service differences provided under (IDEA) and Section 504. A side-by-side is linked to further administrators and VI professionals' understanding when comparing the two programs as well as answers to common questions that occur for students with VI.

SSVI Grant Program Guidelines 2022-2023

Outlines the allowable and unallowable activities and use of funds for the SSVI grant for students with VI. To search TEA Grants, type keyword(s) SSVI to find the latest program guidelines.

PDF version:  SSVI Grant Program Guidelines 2022-2023

VI Eligibility Document

This document, created by the Texas Sensory Support Network (TxSSN) and TEA, provides guidance to vision professionals, administrators, and families in special education eligibility for students with visual impairments, including deafblind. Topics include determining a visual impairment using the eye medical report, functional vision evaluation (FVE), learning media assessment (LMA), and orientation and mobility (O&M) evaluation, evaluation procedures, determining eligibility for special education and related services, FAQs related to visual impairments, and additional resources.

VI Recruitment of VI Professionals 

To fill critical needs areas within special education, LEAs' best resources are its own staff or students graduating from high school. These documents will help HR and special education administrators to recruit from within as well as externally and connect interested individuals to TTU and UT-SFASU advisors.

VI Registration (Annual data collection process)

VI Registration includes all students who receive any services from an LEA as a student with a visual impairment. This count includes students receiving special education services birth to 21 who are visually impaired, are deafblind, have a VI and hearing loss or deaf, and have a visual impairment and other co-occurring disabilities. This count includes students who receive accommodations under Section 504 or are parentally placed in private school including homeschool. Contact Region 10 VI / DB Consultant for more information and training opportunities. Data is collected annually starting the first Monday in January.

Consent forms for sharing information with outside agencies such as American Printing House (Federal Quota funds), Texas Health and Human Services, Blind Children's Program, etc. Available in English & Spanish.


The VI & OM VISSIT is designed to guide TVIs and COMS in determining the type and amount of services to recommend after evaluations and at annual IFSP/IEP meetings for students with VI. This scale supports the TVI & COMS in quantifying information for the IEP committee.


Program Coordinator
Betsy Gilchrist
Email Betsy Gilchrist

VI/Orientation & Mobility
Alexa Poynor
Email Alexa Poynor

Administrative Assistant
Melina Renteria
Email Melina Renteria