6th Annual Metroplex Social Studies Conference

Region 10 ESC Conference Center | June 24th, 2025

Join us for a transformative conference aimed at empowering educators to move beyond isolated subject instruction, creating a cohesive learning experience that enriches students' understanding of the world. This event unites K-12 educators and leaders to explore methods for bridging literacy between RLA and Social Studies, critical thinking and processing skills, AI, and the Social Studies content areas. Through breakouts and keynote speakers, participants will discover strategies for building connections across disciplines, enabling students to analyze, interpret, and shape the world they live in. Let’s work together to build bridges across subjects and create a more integrated, impactful Social Studies curriculum.

Breakfast & Lunch Will Be Provided

Registration Banner


Registration Fee

$25.00 for districts in Region 10 and 11 Cooperative Packages

$175.00 for districts not in Region 10 and 11 Cooperative Packages

Region 10 Register Button

Region 11 Register Button

Join us for breakout sessions exploring various ways to bridge historical thinking, literacy, civil discourse and more...  Social Studies | RLA Connections  Literacy Support  Digital Literacy  (AI | Media Literacy | EdTech)  Historical Thinking  Inquiry  Processing Skills for Deeper Understanding  Historical Empathy  Multiple Perspectives  Global Citizenship  Civil Discourse

We Are looking for Presenters graphic

Are you passionate about social studies and interdisciplinary learning? Do you have innovative strategies, research, or best practices to share with fellow educators? We invite you to submit a proposal to present at the Metroplex Social Studies Conference!

This year’s theme, "Building Bridges Across Disciplines," encourages educators to explore connections between social studies and other subject areas, fostering deeper learning experiences for students. Whether you specialize in history, civics, economics, geography, or cross-curricular instruction, we welcome engaging presentations that inspire and empower educators.

Become a partner image

This is an opportunity to connect with Metroplex area Social Studies classroom teachers and coordinators. The following are our sponsorship levels and prices. All sponsorships will include a table in our vendor area. The vendor area will be open during morning registration, between breakout sessions and lunch. If you are interested in being a sponsor, please complete this form.

We also encourage our sponsors to donate door prizes or giveaways. Sponsors will also be able to present at select breakout sessions. If you would like to be a presenter, please complete the presenter proposal form linked here.

Below, you will find our sponsorship levels:

Bronze Level $300

Silver Level $750

Gold Level $1,000

Platinum Level $1,500

Social studies Conference Graphic

For questions about registering or becoming a sponsor, contact:

Region 10 Social Studies

Kelly Bellar




Region 11 Social Studies

Crystal Klose


