The Presentation Proposal form and Sponsor Application will open soon.
LID Conference
Join us for the Region 10 Education Service Center for the BOLT Conference
Save the Date for the 2025 Conference
July 9 - July 10, 2025
The Region 10 Beyond Our Limits Together (BOLT) Conference is a summer event for teachers, paraprofessionals, related service providers, and administrators to come learn strategies and resources for working with students with complex access needs, sensory impairments, or significant cognitive disabilities.
Join us for this year's Beyond Our Limits Together (BOLT) conference. There will be a dynamic keynote presentation, various breakout sessions, sponsor booths, drawings for instructional materials giveaways, and interactive display areas. Come share ideas, learn about products and services, network with other educators, and research new tools and techniques for working with your students.
Breakout Sessions and Vendor/Exhibitor Booths
Session Strands:
Middle/High School
New Teacher
Paraprofessional/Instructional Assistant
Related Service Providers
Sensorimotor Learners
18+ Programs
Consider submitting a proposal for these topics:
Learning stations or centers
Paraprofessional and teacher teams
Inclusion for students with complex access needs
STAAR Accessibility & Designated Supports
Supporting mental health & trauma-informed practices
Aligning instruction to TEKS at pre-requisite levels
Community building and student collaboration
Community based instruction
Behavior supports in the classroom and community settings
If you have any questions,
Email Cathryn King or call 972-348-1590
Program Coordinator
Betsy Gilchrist
Email Betsy Gilchrist
Cathryn King
Email Cathryn King
Administrative Assistant
Heidy Carrillo
Email Heidy Carrillo