Teacher Job Network

NOTE: New TXED Job Network coming soon! Ask us about it!

Posting Jobs & Managing Applicants

The Teacher Job Network includes an online application complete with a job vacancy to job hiring workflow system.  The TJN system includes the ability for schools to post job vacancies, search for applicants through a number of search criteria, and manage applicants through the hiring process.  The application system includes a professional application for certified teachers and administrative positions, a classified application, an application for substitutes, and an application for school volunteers.  Schools have the discretion of using as many of the features included in the system as will benefit their district/charter school and assigning the level of access for individual users.


An extensive number of recruiting activities are scheduled and attended by the TJN staff.  These activities include out-of-state, in-state, and regional job fairs, college career days and college designated interview days.  All member districts/charter schools are represented through the cooperative at all recruiting activities.  Some activities are scheduled in
the Fall with the majority taking place in the Spring of each year.

IBM Teacher and Principal/AP Selector Online Assessment

Teacher Job Network users have access to the IBM Teacher and Principal/AP Selector Online Assessments. These assessments are used as additional tools in identifying quality Teachers and Principals/APs.  The IBM Teacher and Principal/AP Selector Online Assessments operate seamlessly with the Teacher Job Network and addresses measures known to predict educational performance in a fair and unbiased fashion.  There are multiple processes related to this assessment that include - Functionality Training, Interpretation Training, Predictive Validation Studies and ongoing Adverse Impact Studies.  These assessments take the guesswork out of the selection process and introduces predictive analytics that you can leverage to your advantage.

Positions at Region 10

Please Note:  At no time, will Region 10 ESC expect an applicant to pay for the opportunity to apply, interview, or be hired for a posted position.

Call 972-348-1030 if you have questions.

Contact Us

TXED Job Network
Shalitta Ellington
Email Shalitta Ellington