Statewide Evaluation Capacity Contracted Services Grant Overview

The Grant Application is Closed.


Grant Overview

TEA, as the pass-through entity, is the grantee from the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) and TEA awards subgrants to various organizations acting as the agency's subgrantees. Region 10 ESC, the subgrantee for the SPED Capacity Contracted Services Grant, is working in collaboration with the TEA to implement the purpose, goals, and objectives of the grant as outlined in the grant's program guidelines, which are available on the TEA grant opportunities page.

The SPED Capacity Contracted Services Grant allows for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to apply for one-time funding in accordance with allowable expenditures associated with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for securing contracted special education staff.


Assistant Director
Keya Saleh
Email Keya Saleh

Program Coordinator
Betsy Gilchrist
Email Betsy Gilchrist

Amy Smith
Email Amy Smith

Informational Video

Who is eligible to apply?

The application is open to all Texas LEAs that had expenses for securing contracted special education staff. The awards will be based on the percentage of the LEAs special education budget used for contracted services and the size and location of LEAs with small and rural LEAs prioritized.

Contact Information

For grant application content questions email Contracted SVS Grant