Service Offerings

Professional Development Opportunities

All titles are available on-site and by request to Title II Regional Cooperative Services members only. Region 10-developed training is available by request as TEKS Resource System or non-TEKS Resource System versions. 

Please request professional development by contacting one of our science consultants or through our workshop request form found here. Be aware that we do have rates for those districts that are not part of our cooperatives. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. 

Teaching Science Through Phenomena (Grades K-5 and 6-12)-  Research shows us that students learn best through experiences. During this session, we will discuss how we can use phenomena to prompt student questioning and thinking to learn content. We will look at best practices of student engagement and participants will have an opportunity to implement their thinking with regards to what role these practices will play in their individual classrooms. 1 hour to 3 hours

Engineering Instruction for Science (Grades K-5 and 6-12)- This session will provide scaffolding to science educators to planning science instruction through the lens of engineering. Participants will understand the engineering process and participate in an engineering challenge. 3 hours

Can We Talk About Science? (Grades K-5 and 6-12)- Are you, and your students, growing tired of using the standard communication techniques? In Can We Talk About Science?, we will discuss and use accountability and total participation strategies to get all students engaged in content conversations, ensuring student-led conversations as an essential part of your science instruction. 1 hour

Value in Vocabulary (Grades 2-12)- Science vocabulary can, at times, overwhelm both teachers and students. In The Value in Vocabulary, educators will walk away with ready-made stations that create interactive opportunities for students to use vocabulary rather than simply define it. 1-2 hours

Interactive Word Walls (Grades K-12)- Engage your students with dynamic learning through interactive word walls! This session explores the innovative use of word walls to foster vocabulary acquisition and comprehension. Participants will discover strategies for creating interactive word walls that encourage student engagement, promote active learning, and deepen understanding of science content. Join us in unlocking the power of interactive word walls to enhance students' language skills and content mastery for scientific thinking.

Inquiry Investigations (K-5)- In Inquiry Investigations, we will adjust our approach to science instruction to get our students invested in the scientific process, using inquiry-based practices to create active-participants in our elementary science lessons. 1-2 hours

Challenge Accepted- Science Based STEM Challenges for 3-5 and 6-8 Classrooms -  Students need challenging opportunities to take risks, critically think and problem solve. join us and engage in STEMulating activities that you can take back to your classroom to impact student STEM fluency skills. Participants will need a laptop for this session to access online tools.3 Hours

Sketchy Science Notes (Grades 3-12) Typography, Shapes, and Science..Oh My! Have you been looking for a way to add tools to your students’ tool belt to allow them to gain deeper learning in science? Sketchnotes maybe the very thing they can use as part of their interactive notebook tasks. This session will provide you with the basics to get you started in sketchnoting and providing transferable skills to your students. We will use sketchnotes through the lens of science to enhance thinking and the processing of information. 1 to 2 hours

PBL Experience (Grades 5-12)- Unfolded is an engaging workshop where participants will find out the WHY? and HOW? of Project Based Learning. Teachers will experience the PBL model as they create a project to take back to the classroom and implement in the fall. Depending on the pace of the teacher, they should be able to leave with the majority of the project completed. There will be a focus on alignment of all elements of PBL, including driving question, formative assessments, 21st century skills, final product, and authentic, real-world connections. Best teaching practices are demonstrated, throughout the process. 3-6 hours (6 Hours is highly recommended)

Planning Science Purposefully Through the 5E Model -  A constructivist approach to science instruction has been shown to increase content understanding, assessment scores, and student attitude toward instruction. In Building Understanding, participants will explore the 5E method of unit planning to create facilitated experiences where students create their knowledge. 1 hour to 3 hours.

Integrating RTC’s, TEKS, Phenomena, and SEPS.. Oh My! (Grades K-12) Feeling overwhelmed by integrating new Science TEKS into your lessons? Join us for an interactive teaching and learning session designed to demystify the process and empower educators to incorporate 3D learning seamlessly into their classrooms.

Cracking the Code: Unpacking the STAAR Test Essentials Science (Grades 3-5th, 6-8th, Bio Focus)  This comprehensive session breaks down the structure, key components, and best practices in addition to instructional strategies needed to tackle the STAAR with confidence. From demystifying test formats to providing practical tips for success, we’ll help you navigate the complexities of this crucial assessment. (3 Hours)


Program Coordinator
Instruction and Innovative Practices
Arynn Rasmussen
Email Arynn Rasmussen

Samantha Bradbury
Email Samantha Bradbury