Empowering ECSE Educators to Improve Student Outcomes Grant

The grant application is now closed.

Grant Overview

The Empowering Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Educators to Improve Student Outcomes grant will provide funding support for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and Education Service Centers (ESCs) seeking training and certification for ECSE professionals during the 2024-2025 school year.  Trainings must focus on behavior management and inclusive opportunities and will increase ECSE educators' skills to improve student outcomes for children with disabilities, ages 3 through 5 and not in kindergarten. LEAs also can apply for funding through the program to support prekindergarten teachers with dual certification in special education and general education. Inclusive practices lead to high-quality education and engagement in both academic and non-academic activities for all students. To generate ADA for a student in the pre-K classroom setting who is eligible for special education but ineligible for free pre-K, a certified special education teacher, or a dual certified pre-K and special education teacher, must be present in the pre-K classroom for the student’s entire instructional day.

Who is eligible to apply?

The Empowering ECSE Educators to Improve Student Outcomes Grant application is to provide funding support for LEAs and ESCs seeking training and certification for ECSE professionals during the 2024-2025 school year.  Priority will be given to LEAs that are working to certify highly qualified ECSE teachers. Prior approval is required through the grant application process before any refundable expense can be incurred.  Awards will be determined based on the proportion of LEAs and ESCs that apply, and the reimbursement amounts requested.  

Based on the level of interest and the availability of remaining funds, there may be an opportunity to accept additional applications in a second year. Applicants not awarded in the first year are encouraged to reapply if additional funding cycles are announced.

Application Walkthrough

Contact Information

For grant application content questions email empoweringECSE@region10.org.


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