
Our Tracking Compliance for Targeted Programs (TCTP) team works closely with our Edugence partner to ensure users have the most up-to-date compliance resources available in an easy-to-use, well-organized online platform.
EL+ - The Edugence EL Management tool was created specifically for Texas LEA's to manage English Learner (EL) students and the entire LPAC process. It provides a comprehensive workflow-enabled LPAC Framework to manage the entire process, collect data, monitor progress, communicate with parents and provide reports. It also includes TEA suggested forms and reports to assist in Federal and State compliance.
RtI /MTSS - The Edugence Intervention Management tool was created specifically for Texas LEA's to manage RtI strategies. It provides real-time progress monitoring of students undergoing intervention. Your district will be able to apply intervention strategies across the different tiers and evaluate their quality and outcomes.
GT - Manage your entire GT progress from screening to identification, assessments, and notifications (including parent letters). View all GT screener information and forms in one integrated module. Extensive analytics to monitor the process.
Our Data Solutions Training Consultants can work with your learning community to build capacity in navigating and utilizing Edugence's powerful assessment and data analytics tools, curriculum management, and professional learning platform.
Assistant Director
Dr. Amber Jones
Email Dr. Amber Jones
Assistant Director
Courtney Stevens
Email Courtney Stevens
Program Coordinator
Pennie Kimbrough
Email Pennie Kimbrough
Dr. Jennifer Burr
Email Dr. Jennifer Burr
Paige Stricklin
Email Paige Stricklin
Application Support Specialist
Patrick McCallum
Email Patrick McCallum
Application Support Specialist
Jennifer Snyder
Email Jennifer Snyder