Administrative Leadership Training

District administrators are required to undergo ongoing Administrator Leadership Training for professional growth. Region 10 ESC, an approved sponsor by TEA, has formed a cooperative of Region 10 districts/charter schools to schedule, communicate, and deliver the necessary training. These opportunities cater to the professional growth needs of local district administrators and focus on key functions of a school district's central office.


Program Coordinator
Stacie Wilson
Email Stacie Wilson

Administrative Assistant
Angela Sandoval
Email Angela Sandoval

What are Administrative Leadership Trainings?

District administrators are required to undergo ongoing Administrator Leadership Training for professional growth. Region 10 ESC, an approved sponsor by TEA, has formed a cooperative of Region 10 districts/charter schools to schedule, communicate, and deliver the necessary training. These opportunities cater to the professional growth needs of local district administrators and focus on key functions of a school district's central office.

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Photo of  Participants at Jorge Valenzuela session

Benefits of Administrative Leadership Trainings

Tools & Strategies

Our training will provide participants with the tools and strategies needed to create a culture where student success matters.

Feedback Matters

Region 10 examines feedback, data, and current trends to determine topics that will resonate with the diverse educators spread across our region.

Delivered with You in Mind

Our ALT program offers different delivery methods including half-day, full-day, and online follow-up sessions.

Program Costs

There is NO cost to participate for districts, charters, and private schools that have purchased the R10 Administrative Package of Services.

For districts, charters, and private schools that have NOT purchased the R10 Administrative Package of Services:

  • $200 per person, per session

Additional Program Information

Who can sign up?

Any campus or central office administrator.

How many sessions can I attend?

You can attend as many as you would like!

Join us for an upcoming ALT workshop!