FINAL NOTE: Documentation

In closing, maintaining accurate documentation is critical to ensuring and demonstrating that all activities are in compliance with ESEA, Title I Part A guidelines for providing equitable services to eligible PNP school children, their teachers, and their parents. In addition to keeping a list of required TEA reports, below are examples of documentation LEAs must provide evidence for.

Notifying PNPs of available services

LEAs who receive Title I, Part A funds are required annually to notify all private, nonprofit schools within the LEA boundaries of availability of services for eligible private nonprofit school children, their teachers, and their parents. Evidence of notification includes:

- Certified letters
- Advertisements
- Emails
- Documented Phone calls
- Meeting agenda, handouts, and minutes or summary
- Sign-in sheets

Determining eligibility

(1) Needs assessment information describing multiple objective, academic needs for students, their teachers and their parents include:

- Standardized test scores
- Classroom performance data
- Report cards
- Parent interviews
- Surveys with parents and teachers

(2) Data to validate student residential eligibility includes:

- Students' physical addresses
- District street directories

Calculating funding

Available Title I funds and proposed public school expenditures are needed in order to calculate equitable services amounts for participating PNP schools. Data needed for calculations include:

- LEA Title I planning amounts
- Names of public school campuses to be served
- Campus allocations based on poverty ratio
- Allocation for district instructional activities reservations
- Names of PNPs with Title I eligible students
- Number, addresses, and grade levels of LEA low-income students
..(names masked) attending PNPs
- Auditable data of low-income status of PNP families is maintained at PNP schools

When the above data is entered into the TEA Equitable Services worksheets (available on TEASE Reports), the amount of available funding is populated for each PNP.


Program planning is based on eligible student needs and consultation.
Evidence of planning includes:

- Intent to participate forms
- Needs Assessment documentation
- Consultation notes
- Signed Affirmations of Consultation
- Meeting documentation
.....a. Invitations
.....b. Sign-in sheets
.....c. Agendas
.....d. Handouts
.....e. Summaries or minutes
- Documented phone calls and other sources of communication (emails, faxes)
- Pool of eligible students


Program design utilizes consultation, input and planning information to finalize the activities that will be implemented. Design includes the details of the final plan for services. Documentation may include:

- Lists of eligible students to be served
.....a. Verification of academic eligibility (at-risk data)
.....b. Verification of residential eligibility
- Contracts with third party or other providers
- Specific assessments to be used
- Materials selected
- Schedule of services


Implementation of program activities includes putting the design into action. To ensure compliance and impact, implementation must be monitored by the LEA. Documentation of effective implementation includes:

- Student and teacher schedules
- Personnel time sheets
- Signed job descriptions and contracts
- Attendance rosters
- Contact hour reports
- LEA purchase orders for equipment and materials
- Inventory items marked with LEA labels
- Assurances that Title I materials are for program use only
- Parent involvement training/meeting invitations, sign-in sheets
- Professional development participation documentation
- Student progress data


(1) Evaluation of the entire program, including but not limited to student impact, is a compliance requirement. Evidence of program evaluation includes:

- Surveys of teachers, parents, administrators
- Student impact data

(2) Program reports required by TEA include:

- Consolidated ESEA/NCLB Grant application
.....a. Schedule PR3101
.....b. Budget summary and accompanying schedules
- TEA Equitable Services worksheets
- TEA Affirmation of Consultation
- NCLB Private Nonprofit School Participation PR 7000
- NCLB Consolidated Compliance Report PR1000

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