We use best practice principles and research-based curricula in a blend of face-to-face and online coursework for each certification. Evening and Saturday face-to-face courses* are offered to meet busy schedules.
Job Opportunities
As an added service, we provide you with job fair information to assist you in obtaining your dream job. Meet new people, ask questions, gather information, and practice your social networking skills.
Job Fair Information
Certification Costs
Our bottom line is maintaining reasonable costs, providing quality coursework, materials and test preparation. Our fees meet program operating costs as opposed to profit margins and marketing expenses.
Our Staff
All consultants and field supervisors hold graduate degrees and are experienced, certified educators. We are dedicated to supporting and encouraging you on your journey to become a certified teacher in Texas.
* Our face-to-face courses are offered on Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings, 5:30-8:30 pm and
Saturdays, 8:30 am - 3:30 pm.