The DMS system consists of two types of special education program monitoring: Cyclical Reviews & Targeted Reviews.
TEA conducts cyclical reviews of all LEAs statewide over six years to determine compliance related to federal requirements, including IDEA, and state laws to assist LEAs in resolving specific issues or concerns that impact services and outcome for students with disabilities. Monitoring visits follow a standardized process and result in a published report. Each school year, LEAs selected for monitoring will be reviewed in three groups as follows:
- Group 1: October-December
- Group 2: January-March
- Group 3: April-June
Performance levels determined for the LEA will trigger different levels of monitoring and enforced by TEA to improve results-driven outcomes for students. LEAs that are identified as having an overall DL of 2, 3, or 4 will be asked to participate in a Targeted Support Review which will focus on the identified areas that require intervention.
LEAs that have been identified as having Significant Disproportionality (SD)Year 3 and a Determination Level (DL) 3 or Determination Level 4 will be required to participate in Intensive Support. TEA and the LEA will collaborate to complete a comprehensive diagnostic data review (CDDR), including a facilitated root cause analysis, to provide recommendations and support for reducing Significant Disproportionality.
- Collection and examination of data yearly to determine if there is significant disproportionality based on race or ethnicity in relation to:
- Identification of students with disabilities (3-21)
- Placement of students in particular educational settings (6-21)
- Disciplinary removals (incidence, duration, and type of disciplinary actions), (3-21)
- Significant Disproportionality One Pager
When the State identifies LEAs with significant disproportionality, the LEA must meet the requirements found at 34 CFR §300.646 (c) and (d). If the LEA is found to be SD in one or more of the SD categories as published in the Results Driven Accountability (RDA) report for three years in a row (SD 3), LEAs are required to:
- Review (and, if appropriate) revise policies, procedures, and practices
- Complete an assurance in Legal Framework
- Reserve the maximum amount of funds to be used for early intervening services
- Complete a survey to indicate intentions about reserving funds and serving children with CCEIS
- Report on the revision of policies, procedures, and practices.
- Collection and examination of data yearly to determine if there is significant disproportionality based on race or ethnicity in relation to: