We offer training and support for the following Skyward modules:
Skybuild allows for automated or manual import and export of data between Skyward and 3rd party vendors (i.e. Transfinder, eSped, Nutrikids, Eduphoria). Creating custom templates allows for users to define exactly what data they want to pull from the software or import information directly to students.
Length: Half a day (3 hours)
Participants: Typically IT or Technology personnel who oversee ftp communication
This training covers the setup of Attendance Absence Codes, Calendars, and Bell Schedules. It also covers entering attendance by date, by student, or by class or activity as well as generating poor attendance letters and reporting.
Length: Full day training (6 hours)
Participants: Attendance secretaries and individuals who will be maintaining Calendar information and updating attendance records. Principals and administrators that need to run reports based on attendance information may find this training helpful as well.
Current year scheduling training focuses on scheduling students throughout the school year, as well as making schedule changes. Scheduling students on an individual level and in mass is covered to explore the easiest ways to create schedules.
Length: Full day training (6 hours)
Participants: Counselors, Principals, and any staff who will be creating courses, scheduling students, or making schedule changes on any campus level.
Custom Forms allow you to collect and print data that is not kept in canned fields within Skyward. These forms can be filled out by parents, students, teachers and other administration staff to collect information on students and parents. These are most commonly used for New Student Enrollment and Online Registration. Districts can purchase training or have a R10 Skyward representative provide these services for them for a fee.
Length: Half a day to Full day training (3 to 6 hours)
Participants: Anyone within the district who would build custom fields to be used within the forms.
The Demographics module covers all basic Student, Guardian, and Staff data entry. This training covers overall navigation within the software to locate, add, or modify data pertaining to students, as well as basic staff information. This module touches all student records related to various areas of the software and is typically used for record tracking.
Length: Full day training (6 hours)
Participants: Secretaries, Registrars, or any other job role who would be involved in data entry and basic information reporting.
This training focuses on the initial setup of the district wide Discipline module, the entry of Offenses and Actions, and the reports that can be produced. Participants will learn how to set up the configuration for the Discipline module, enter Discipline data by Discipline Officer or by Student, track office visits, how teachers can submit referrals using Educator Access Plus, and how the module promotes communication between the teacher, the Discipline Officer, and students’ parents.
Length: Half day training (3 hours)
Participants: Assistant Principals, Discipline Officers, and any staff who will be issuing offenses and actions or coding for discipline.
Family & Student Access contains multiple areas of student information that parents or students can access at any time. This training focuses on how to set up the district wide options and areas, the entity-specific options, how to generate usernames and passwords for guardians and students, and how to understand how different modules interact and display information within Family Access.
Length: Half day training (3 hours)
Participants: Any staff that will be monitoring Family Access or making decisions as to what information parents/students should be able to see. This is often a Tech Coordinator and/or school administrator.
Future Scheduling is a two day training. Day 1 covers creating future years, cleaning up the course master, and adding manual or online course requests. Once course requests have been entered into Skyward, day 2 focuses on creating a master schedule based on course requests and using the Auto Scheduler to scheduler students into classes. Manual scheduling is also outlined in this training as well.
Length: 2 Full days (12 hours)
Participants: Counselors, principals, and anyone who would participate in creating a master schedule and scheduling students.
This training is a complete presentation of the Graduation Requirements module including the setup and maintenance of Course Curriculum Master Records, Course Requirement Plans, importing and setting up Endorsements (and linking them with curriculum and student career plans), as well as tracking and reporting on graduation requirement progress.
Length: Full day training (6 hours)
Participants: Administrative staff that will be setting up and maintaining the district's Graduation Requirement plan. If the administrator is not involved in scheduling, someone who is involved in Course Creation and Future Scheduling should attend in order to understand the Curriculum Master interaction. At the least, the lead counselor should attend after the graduation plan has been imported, so it can be tailored to the school's credit requirements and all relevant classes properly linked.
This training contains information on student grade entry, grade processing, and grade reporting. Our focus will be on several areas, split over 2 days:
Day 1 covers Activities, Grade setup, Grade entry, Athletic Eligibility, Report cards, and Grade reporting. The process of adding, updating, and deleting grades will be covered extensively, along with common grade reporting options such as Honor Roll, and Student Rank.
Day 2 focuses on Grade history (including entering historical data) and Transcripts. It is recommended to bring transcripts to this session for some hands-on training.
Length: 2 Full days (12 hours)
Participants: Secretaries, counselors, or other staff who enter grades or need to print reports based on grading information. High school and middle school staff should attend both days, but elementary staff will only need to attend the first day.
The Health Records module was designed to track the various health records for a student and includes both local and state reporting capabilities. This training will include a review of the various codes and health records configuration. In addition, the training will include data entry and reporting of vaccinations, medications, office visits, childhood illnesses, health conditions, hearing, vision, scoliosis and physicals.
Length: Full day training (6 hours)
Participants: District staff and nurses responsible for data entry and reporting of student vaccination and health records.
Online Registration training covers the setup options for parents to login through the parent portal and fill out returning student information. This also includes the creation and use of custom forms for fields that are not hard coded into Skyward. This decreases manual data entry and allows for easier tracking of information updates and requirements. Once data is approved, it is automatically updated in the appropriate areas of the software.
Length: Half day training (3 hours)
Participants: Administrators who make decisions on registration information requirements, registrars, or anyone who would approving/denying registration information for students.
The Secondary Gradebook administrative training covers the setup of a calculated grading system based on assignments and term/semester grades. The creation of custom standards report cards is also covered if needed.
Length: Half to Full day training (3 - 6 Hours)
Participants: Principals or Deans who would be making the decision of what gradebook calculations will be used.
The Secondary Gradebook Teacher training covers how to use the gradebook for grade entry, reports, attendance, discipline referrals, message center communication and more.
Length: Half day training (3 Hours)
Participants: Teachers who will be using the gradebook to record grades.
The Standards Gradebook administrative training covers the setup of a skill and subject based grading system that can be used for subjective or calculated grading. The creation of custom standards report cards is also covered if needed.
Length: Half to Full day training (3 - 6 Hours)
Participants: Principals or Deans who would be making the decision of what subjects and skills will be taught by the teachers.
The Standards Gradebook Teacher training covers how to use the gradebook for grade entry, reports, attendance, discipline referrals, message center communication and more.
Length: Half day training (3 Hours)
Participants: Teachers who will be teaching students based on subjects and skills. This will cover entering in grades and printing reports, as well as additional gradebook areas such as attendance, discipline referrals, message center communication, and more.
This training will cover the entry and reporting of special program information such as Gifted & Talented, At Risk, Section 504, Limited English Proficient, Migrant, Immigrant, Pregnancy Related Services, Title I, Pre Kindergarten, Economic Disadvantage, Graduates, Leavers, Special Education, and Career and Technology Education.
This session will also cover the steps in preparing for PEIMS submissions, extracting data, maintaining data, editing data, importing staff data, exporting extracted data, and viewing exported files/saving locally for submission.
Length: 2 Full Days (12 hours)
Participants: PEIMS Coordinators and PEIMS Clerks or anyone who will be doing data entry for special programs.
The Test Score module is a repository for benchmark student test scores. These include state and federal standardized tests (STAAR EOC, ACT, PSAT, SAT), as well as locally developed achievement tests used at individual districts. This training covers using standard layouts provided by Skyward, setting up custom test layouts, importing scores from an electronic file, manually editing and entering scores, and viewing and reporting test results.
Length: Half day training (3 hours)
Participants: Administrative staff who record and track student progress though state and local testing. Counselors and advisors whose input into what test data they need and the most useful layout for importing it may also find this training helpful.
Pricing Options
Contact Tamara Blue (Skyward Information Services Support Coordinator) for more information.