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Team Building and Planning Services

This training gives school board members access to a team building or a planning session to focus on a topic of the board/superintendent's choice. As required by law for Team of Eight credit, these sessions will include discussion about the roles and responsibilities of board members and the superintendent. These sessions are delivered within the individual district, including prior planning with the superintendent and/or board president. If the Team of Eight training requirements have been previously met, these topics may also be used for Level III training that will count toward additional hours of credit for trustees. As a reminder, Region 10 ESC provides, at no additional charge, one 'in-district' school board training per fiscal year to districts that purchases the Administrative Services Package. The R10 trainers can provide additional sessions for a fee.


Currently the Region 10 ESC has a variety of contracted school board training providers. Some are retired superintendents and other are former or current school board members with an high level of understanding about the roles of trustees as related to oversight and management of a school district. The names of trainers are listed below with topics they are prepared to offer. However, each trainer is willing to work with the superintendent and/or board president to prepare customized training based on topics that will best meet the needs of the district. 

Mark Keahey, Field Service Agent and coordinator of school board training for R10 ESC, is available to visit with the ISD superintendent about the board trainer options to help identify which trainer you would like to use. Once a decision has been made about the training topic and provider, either Omaira Alvarado or Mark Keahey will have the trainer contact the superintendent to schedule the training and discuss the needs of the district.


Board Trainers

Kim Caston

  • Team of Eight Training
  • Goal Setting
  • Effective Boardmanship
  • Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes
  • Board Member Roles and Responsibilities
  • Leading Initial Discussions About Bond and Construction Projects
  • School Board Self Assessment
  • Evaluating the Superintendent
  • Board and Community Relations
  • Climate and Culture
  • Board Operating Procedures

Doug Williams

  • A-F Ratings Training
  • Developing Teamwork by Meeting Demands of the District-The Board-and the Public!
  • Effective School Board Meetings
  • Effective Practices for an Extraordinary Superintendent/Board Member Partnership
  • Roles and Responsibilities of Superintendent and Board Members
  • Annual Team Effectiveness Assessment
  • Appraising/Evaluating the Superintendent
  • Power of Positive Climate
  • Ethics for Board Members
  • Board Operating Procedures
  • Best Practices for Team of Eight

Dr. John Spies

  • Understanding School Finance
  • A-F Ratings Training
  • Effective School Board Meetings
  • Effective Practices for an Superintendent/Board Member Partnership
  • Roles and Responsibilities of Superintendent and Board Members
  • Annual Team Effectiveness Assessment
  • Appraising/Evaluating the Superintendent
  • Ethics for Board Members
  • Board Operating Procedures
  • Best Practices for Team of Eight
  • Becoming a Learning Organization
  • Preparing for a Bond
  • Construction Methods

Nichole Bentley

  • Team of Eight Training
  • Goal Setting
  • Effective Boardmanship
  • Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes
  • Board Member Roles and Responsibilities
  • School Board Self Assessment
  • Evaluating the Superintendent
  • Board and Community Relations
  • Climate and Culture
  • Board Operating Procedures

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