Region 10 is here to help guide districts and charters as they navigate the Teacher Incentive Allotment. This site will act as a resource to districts during the TIA process.
Face-to-Face Calibration Training
This training is held at Region 10 and works directly with campus/district administrators in creating their own implementation plans for a calibration process. Participants will understand the calibration process and the importance of inter-rater reliability; apply the T-TESS rubric to the classroom observation process through videoed lessons; evaluate observation data to objectively improve calibration; and develop an implementation plan through timelines, systems, and procedures for the campus/district (Full Day Training).
View upcoming Calibration Training dates for 2024 - 2025
On-site Calibration Training
This training is held on-site; campus or district wide. Upon campus/district request, a member of the R10 Administrative Services team will reach out to discuss the onsite calibration training; tailoring the training to campus/district needs. The basic structure of the training will include an overview of the calibration process; 6-10 classroom walk-throughs of 10 minutes each; discussion and alignment to calibrate the observation data collected; and an implementation plan through timelines, systems, and procedures for the campus/district (Full Day Training).
Request On-site Calibration Training here
Teacher Calibration Trainings (for Campus/District Administrators & Appraisers)
This training will provide district/campus administrators and appraisers with a professional development program that will enhance teacher leadership through instructional calibration of the T-TESS rubric. District/campus administrators and appraisers will be trained on how teacher calibration improves instructional planning. Once this professional development program is implemented, teacher leaders will understand the importance of tight alignment to instructional expectations listed on the T-TESS rubric and how they can lead instruction across their grade level subject and in grade levels above and below. Teachers leaders will be able to work with their teams to apply the T-TESS rubric to lesson planning and classroom observation; evaluate observation data to objectively improve instruction; and develop an implementation plan through timelines, systems, and procedures for teacher collaborative planning.
Request On-site Teacher Calibration Training here
Student Growth Measure
Region 10 provides Student Learning Objective (SLO) training in conjunction with T-TESS. The SLO is the approved student growth measure tool through TEA. This training is held at Region 10 and works directly with campus/district administrators on successful implementation of the SLO as a student growth measure tool. Participants will understand the development and implementation of an effective SLO to target student growth (6 Hour Training).
View upcoming SLO Training dates for 2024 - 2025
SLO Tips for TIA
Region 10 Power Hour Series
Between September and April 15, 2024 (Cohort H Application Submission date), Region 10 will host a monthly Power Hour via Zoom to support districts submitting their Cohort G application.
Each Power Hour will focus on one section of the TIA application for Cohort H. Please click the link below to see the dates, times, and topics as well as register for each session.
Upcoming Power Hour Dates
R10 TIA Power Hours for the 2024 - 2025 school year - please contact
Power Hour Zoom links will be sent out to all registered participants two days before the training.