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Diag Word Cloud

Region 10 provides training, support, and consultation to Educational Diagnosticians and ARD Managers in Region 10 member school districts and charters.

Connect with our Educ. Diag. Consultant


To schedule an appointment for a consultation, schedule via Calendly here.

Professional Learning Requests

If you are responsible for bringing in PD providers for your diagnosticians and/or ARD Facilitators in your LEA, our Educational Diagnostician consultant can provide free PD to member districts and characters. To request training for your staff please complete the respective form below:

Data Points Region 10 Newsletter

Data Points is a monthly newsletter from Region 10 to provide information and resources to educational diagnosticians, ARD facilitators/managers and those who have oversight of evaluation, compliance and child find activities for their LEA. Get notified about current research, important updates from TEA, professional development, and more. Subscribe below!

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Texas Association of Educational Diagnosticians

It is the mission of TEDA to promote the profession of educational diagnosticians through programs, research, and establishing and maintaining professional standards in order to better serve the educational needs of exceptional children and youth.


Upcoming Events