For your convenience, Region 10 ESC offers online professional development to cover annual mandatory compliance training as well as topics that help educators become better administrators, teachers, substitutes and paraeducators. A wide range of topics can be found in our catalog, with courses being added regularly from both our expert consultants and from TEA-approved third-party PD providers.
Catalog of online course titles
Compliance Bundle
Our compliance bundle satisfies many of the state and federal requirements for teachers, administrators, and other district staff. Our current list of compliance courses may be found here.
Member Districts: Districts who are members of the Region 10 ESC Instructional Practices package or the Title II SSA contract may have free access to this bundle.
Non-member Districts: Non-member districts may request a quote by sending an email to:
Please send the following information in your quote request:
- District/Charter name
- Street address
- City state zip
- Requestor's name
- Requestor's title
- Phone
- Total # of staff members