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The Region 10 Data Solutions team connects educators with timely and effective solutions that add value through service, product development, and purchasing compliance.

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Our training & support team comprised of our data management systems help desk, consultants, and coordinators work to provide our LEAs with dedicated support for tools and instructional strategies that support Analysis, Planning, Monitoring, and Assessment for student growth.
Learn more about service and support


Our products team works in-house & with our partners to develop solutions that meet the needs of our Region 10 LEAs. Our products cover a range of services from assessment to compliance. If we don't have a product to meet your specific concern, we will find a solution or a partner to start the creation process.
Learn more about our products


Our purchasing team manages over 100 EDGAR compliant contracts to support districts with purchases in a wide variety of product categories. We provide cost savings & convenience through our competitive RFPs, state & federal compliance, volume pricing, and personal attention from the ESC.
Learn more about our purchasing offerings

So, how does it all work together? Check out our Data Solutions team infographic below to learn how each of our departments work together to serve our LEAs. 

Data Solutions Infographic

Accessible version of the Data Solutions Infographic

 Contact Data Solutions Support
