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Who Must be Trained

Established by the commissioner of education in 19 TAC §§100.1102-1105, commissioner rules require that the following officials complete a training course (unless exemptions apply):

  • members of the governing body of the charter holder
  • members of the governing body of the charter school
  • chief executive officers
  • central administrative officers
  • campus administrative officers
  • business managers


When Must Training Occur

Governance board members and charter officials must complete all initial training requirements with one-year of their first day of service or employment; 50% of the training requirements must be completed within the first six months of service and the remaining 50% of the training by the end of the first year of service.

New board members must complete the Open Meeting Act and Public Information Act (each one hour) training within the first 90 days of service.

These trainings can be found at:

Texas Open Meetings Act Training

Public Information Act Training


Click to Access Region 10 Online Board Training Courses

Note: Charters that purchase the Administrative Services Package will need to contact Brenda Martinez for the current password to access the online board training courses at no cost. Online board training for the 24-25 school year will be available on September 1, 2024.


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